This is a story about Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Sister frog, Brother frog and Baby frog.
It was hot, very, very hot, and Daddy frog went jump, jump, jump, and sat on a leaf in the pond.
Mummy frog was hot, very, very hot. So Daddy frog said: "Come here"! Mummy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on the leaf in the pond.
Sister frog was hot, very, very hot. So Mummy frog said: "Come here"! Sister frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on the leaf in the pond.
Brother frog was hot, very, very hot. So Sister frog said: "Come here"! Brother frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on the leaf in the pond.
Baby frog was hot, very, very hot. So Brother frog said: "Come here"! Baby frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on the leaf in the pond.
And then - SPLASH - they all fell into the water!!